ARSO, a agreat service for a honorable affair

Sid Hamdi Yahdih


[Preliminary remark: Sid Hamdi sent us his text twice. Modestly, we first did not want to publish it. Finally we have decided to do it. We dont know if our work is so praiseworthy, we just hope it is sometimes usefull and we want not forget all other people around the world doing their best to inform about the "forgotten conflict" of Western Sahara.]

Since more than ten years we have daily contact with ARSO web services on the internet web. ARSO idea would be a great one.

Now, after many years ARSO becomes famous as a resource of information of the Sahrawi people and its affair. We (the Sahrawis and their friends) have to thank, very much, those who founded the ARSO web for the work they are doing every day. They are living very far from Western Sahara and its people, but they work as they are living in the heart of affair. The people who work in ARSO web ( I dont know their number) are responsible, but not the responsibility of such persons doing a work for getting interests. It is a responsibility of mind towards a civil principals of a honorable affair.

ARSO appeared in the begining of nineties, in a crucial period of of the Sahrawis' struggle. It appeared during a period in which the Sahrawis had started to compete to win a referendum without sufficient means; they had had no voice to be listen, no news papers, no outside TV channel or radio. They were needing all information means during a time when the information was the only arm of the battle field. Suddenly, the ARSO appeared in the internet from l'association pour l'organisation d'un referendum au Sahara occidental. The ARSO's  web appeared timely, then time after time, it became complete; news, history, analyses, opinions and more information about the last progress over the Sahara affair. It was not one web; it was multi-webs written by multi-langueges and multi-subjects in one web. And now if someone asks us where he could find fulfil information about Sahara, we would give him the name of ARSO.

The idea of ARSO is mereting all kinds of praise and admiration for the great role it is playing now in the field of information. All Sahrawis and their friends have to thank very much the people who work every day to throw lights over the Sahara affair; they overdo what they could do; they publish all new news, translate texts from language into other, and finally they work as they are doing a work  to feed their children.

Finally, we want to know  the annual day of ARSO to mark its anniversary, then I ask all the lovers of our beloved web ( ARSO) to send a flour to our friends in ARSO in its next birthday.
