Sidi Mahmoud BANEMOU, Lawyer

>> original french 

After so much frustration and waiting, the Saharawis all agreed that the dreamed-of Messiah had finally appeared. We are in 1997. James Baker began his pilgrimage in the wake of much media hype. Right, left and centre, everyone had something good to say. Compared to his predecessors in the Western Sahara conflict, he had many assets.

For some among us, pretending to be in the know, this YANKEE who has   driven Saddam out of Kuweït  and who accepted "humbly" to serve as Annan's envoyé in this "minor" conflict - which unchained the ire of the Palestinian leaders - comes from Heaven to deliver us from this neighbour from the North with a raging appetite.

In our minds, we already started to imagine the end of our martyrdom, to picture ourselves in a better future, to evaluate our moral debt towards our friends undergoing difficult times, to think of love and our children... We spoke about Houston as if it were a Saharawi nomadic camp !

Once we are delivered, Baker will have Saharawi nationality  for exceptional merit; our dignity regained, he will wear our black turban in deep gratitude of a people who had lost everything many long years ago, he will have his môtel on the Atlantic coast, not far from "the Gazelle" so prized by the Chirac family.

Once the  revelation was over, we were ready for whatever happened. Our credo is right for self-determination, this magic word engraved in our collective memory. Contrary to all expectations, the "framework agreement " was born. Like the sect of the Raeliens, our saviour experiments with cloning in a new field: conflict resolution. However, it is not possible to "clone" annexation and freedom! The foreign cell will be rejected by the body and our little Eva will die...

Lyon, France 20.01.03